Wedding Party

We wanted to introduce everyone to the real heroes behind the wedding; those who are helping keeping the Bride and Groom on track (and sane).

These wonderful men and women are some of our closest friends and family, and we could not see ourselves getting married without having them by our sides.


Stefan works in finance and analysis in Greece.

Stefan is my second cousin on the Demakes side of the family. Since I moved to Europe in 2012 our relationship has blossomed into a wonderful friendship as well as our family connection. I’ve made at least one trip a year to Greece, not just because I love the country but because I wanted to spend time with Stefan. My first trip to Greece as an adult was in 2013 and Stefan opened his home to me and showed me around Athens, entwining the amazing history but also the fun and vibrant nightlife. The hospitality he showed to me was incredible but more than that we built the foundations of a wonderful and lasting friendship. In 2019 I was so excited to introduce him to Matt for the first time at my cousin’s wedding. We enjoyed a wonderful visit with him in Milwaukee, whether it was on a boat tour or dancing at the wedding.

We love Stefan for his overwhelming generosity, vibrant energy, infectious smile, and that he is always the life of the party.


Annelien, Jamie & Fabiola at Glenfiddich Distillery, Scotland 2014

I met Annelien and Fabiola through the same online book club back in 2010. We ended up hosting multiple events for the group over the years in Netherlands, Belgium, England and Ireland – proving our chops as party planners. Our friendship grew together as we toured our respective homelands; Annelien’s Belgium, Fabiola’s Netherlands and my (surrogate) England. For my 30th birthday we toured whisky distilleries in Scotland together, enjoying our collective love of single malt whisky, road trips, and making up new lyrics to classic songs to sing at top volume. Additionally, we still managed to find time to create our own small whisky society, Glacadan.

Annelien Dhaenens, Maid of Honor

Annelien works as a corporate lawyer in Belgium, where she lives with her husband and 2 beautiful daughters.

When I moved to Europe, it was not long before Annelien had become a very dear friend. We met in person in 2012 at a group party in the Netherlands and bonded over our organizational skills, some intense team laser tag, and singing a very impassioned karaoke to “Don’t Speak”. Annelien invited me to Brussels in early 2013 and we connected further while touring the city, eating waffles, and watching movies. Over the years I would often travel to Brussels, and occasionally onward to Rotterdam (to see Fabiola), and under Annelien’s tutelage I’ve become a capable and confident tour guide for friends and family in Brussels.

We adore Annelien for her incredible loyalty, impressive creativity, open honesty, infectious energy and outgoing spirit.

Fabiola Pastén, Bridesmaid

Fabiola works as a psychiatric nurse in the Netherlands, where she lives with her partner and newborn son.

I met Fab in person in 2011 at a group party in the United Kingdom and we immediately hit it off as great friends. We spent time together in London bonding and then again in Shropshire during the event. A year later, in 2012, we carried on with this positivity and enthusiasm towards each other, becoming good friends.   Over the years we have traveled together to a variety of places and Fab showed me all the wonders of the Netherlands – from visiting cities like Utrecht to the theme park Efteling. A weekend spent with Fab always led to tremendous laughter, incredible hospitality, and endless memories. Fab is the life of every party and someone I have come to highly admire and adore.

We love Fabiola for her endless enthusiasm, powerful positivity, and deep care she shows everyone she embraces.

Jamie & Catriona in Palm Beach, Florida 2000

Catriona Kalmanovitch, Bridesmaid

Cati works as a kitchen manager in Massachusetts, and has previously worked as a pastry chef aboard small luxury cruises.

Cati and I met at High School at Worcester Academy, immediately clicking with each other and becoming friends during the first class of the first day. The following year Cati joined my family on a trip to Florida for Thanksgiving and a life long friendship was well cemented by that point. We spent many of our spring breaks at my grandfather’s condo in Palm Beach soaking up the sun in peace and quiet; spending the days on the beach, in the pool and playing games during the heat of the day. While Cati cared for her grandmother on the Isle of Wight she was able to repay the favor of sharing a vacation home and I visited the island several times, enjoying the hospitality and learning about Cati’s love of the island. We’re both passionate about traveling and photography, and this has become another key pillar of our friendship over the more recent years; together we have visited Italy, Croatia, Greece, Spain, and France.

We appreciate Cati’s dedication, loyalty, patience and heart (and her Englishness too). We’re honored and excited that Cati will be baking our wedding cake!

Julianna, Jamie, Ashley & Stephanie at Beacon Park, late 1980s

Ashley, Julianna and Stephanie were my childhood friends on the shores of Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg in Webster, Massachusetts. The condos there were built the year I was born which made it appealing to the my family, as well as families with similarly aged children. This is one of the earliest photos of the us all together – shown in our element beneath one of the large beech trees in the courtyard. I was an only child growing up but during the summers it came to feel as if I had 3 sisters. We spent nearly every waking moment of our summer time together – I remember having to wait for the Arnolds or the Johnsons to open their curtains and signal that the girls were up and able to come out, and we wouldn’t go back inside until the street lights came on, or for an occasional meal.

Ashley Arnold Bregel, Bridesmaid

Ashley works for an engineering firm in Massachusetts, where she lives with her husband and daughter.

Ashley’s ability to focus on a particular activity or commitment she made was always impressive to me. Watching her on weekend mornings swimming laps at the condo’s pool under the guidance of her father is a strong memory I have of our childhood. She was always relied upon to be right beside you, regardless of what you did, and would never leave your side even if that led to a little bit of trouble. I regularly remember spending time with her on the lake and in the pool, with endless energy for swimming. We would have contests for who could do the silliest dive, or small races across the short width of the pool. She always brought out my competitive spirit and nature, occasionally for the worst but almost always for the best.

We value Ashley for her incredible loyalty, strength of confidante, openness and her passionate nature.

Julianna Johnson Anton, Bridesmaid

Julianna works as a Treasurer’s Office Supervisor in Massachusetts, and lives with her husband and 2 vibrant children.

Growing up Jul and I were opposites – where she was not allowed out of the house until her hair was perfectly braided and bowed, I would rush out of the house before my mother could so much as raise a brush. These days when I see her daughter Everly I am frequently reminded of Jul – bows and adorable outfits that match. She was always generous growing up, willing to share her excellent barbie toys (like the awesome pool she would bring to the pool). Jul is someone who always commits herself to every job she undertakes, and I loved working with her (and Steph) as lifeguards at our local beach for the level of commitment she would bring to the role – and her tan.

We love Jul for her contagious enthusiasm, overwhelming commitment, and internal strength.

Stephanie Arnold Wing, Bridesmaid

Stephanie also works for an engineering firm in Massachusetts, where she lives with her husband and 2 incredible sons.

Although Steph was a few years younger than the rest of us she never had difficulty in keeping up with the group. Of us all she had the most giving and caring spirit and was always willing to participate in any project. I remember wanting to set up a summer school for my friends, at the age of 7, and Steph was the only one to actually complete the homework. My father often reminded all of us that Steph was his favorite – and when he would hold drawing contests when the families would go out to dinner together, she almost always won.

We adore Steph for her incredible patience, deep warmth and caring, and the positivity she brings to everything she does.


Nicholas Peet, Best Man

Nick is gainfully employed as a manager at a major health food chain in the UK, where he lives with his wife.

While Nick failed to make an impact when I first met him, it didn’t take him long to show me his charms. However, our true friendship blossomed when we moved in together during my 3rd year. We never failed to make time for each other, and many a day was spent enjoying mutual pastimes, along with other housemates. We lived together for another year, but even after we moved on, we still had far too much fun together, making stories involving good beer, good games, good company, and oddball plans,

We adore Nick for his endless enthusiasm, somewhat crazy ideas, commitment beyond reproach and overwhelming desire to help.

Joshua Tucknott, Groomsman

Josh works as a fund supervisor in the UK, where he predominantly lives on his own, providing escape for his sister while she studies at University.

Josh is the second of three groomsmen who did archery at Exeter University, and could often be found balancing his time between helping others and having fun. Between archery competitions, games, social visits, or even sharing minibus driving duties, there was never a dull moment when Josh was about. After university, Josh moved abroad for a few years, although we still kept in touch, and had an amazing time in Las Vegas for birthday fun. Josh returned to the UK a couple of years ago and became my tenant, giving rise to further good times.

We adore Josh for his dedication to friends, unquestionable loyalty, quick wit, willingness to pitch in and openness to new people.

Matthew Watters, Groomsman

Matt works in quality control at a manufacturing facility in the UK, where he lives with his partner.

The third of the archery trio, Matt and I struck up the quickest friendship, mainly from swapping accounts from our respective times in the Scouts. Given my status as a mature student, I considered the 3rd year Matt much more of a peer than the other first years, and he simultaneously enjoyed having conversations about actual life experiences. After graduation, we continued to enjoy guiding (and generally mocking) new university students, driving them around and chatting for hours while they partook in competitions. Even after we both left Exeter, we’ve not grown apart, playing games regularly despite the 200 mile distance between us.

We adore Matt for his dry humour, friendly nature, problem solving mind and endless supply of entertaining anecdotes.

Ian Shere, Groomsman

Ian is a pensions administrator for a local government council in the UK, where he lives with his partner, 2 children, dog and 2 cats.

Many can say they feel they’ve known someone their whole life, but a younger sibling can mean it literally. Ian is my older brother, and while we may have had some sibling spats, I’m very glad I ended up with Ian. Over the years we’ve obviously shared many memories, between family outings, school, friends, games, and even owning a house together. He continues to be a huge influence to my life, although his considerable talents are now aimed squarely at keeping his two young children in check. With his patience, loving nature and seemingly endless energy, I only hope I can be half the father he is in the future.

We adore Ian for his bottomless patience, even hand, amazing commitment and appropriate levels of dad jokes.

James Selman, Groomsman

James is an independent financial advisor and partner of his firm in the UK, and lives with his wife and 2 children.

The only other groomsman who didn’t come from archery, I met James while we did Scouts together, progressing through Scouts, Explorers, Network and finally as leaders together. During that time, we got to do some amazing things, from flying, camping, or cruising around other youth camps in a golf buggy, but it was James’ friendship that was the real draw, and even the more dull moments became awesome. Indeed, even the dreaded RAF inspection became an interesting and memorable experience, and it would naturally be James that would stand out to the inspecting officer, make a connection and then leverage that connection to get supplies and favours from the RAF.

We adore James for his inventive thinking, approachable nature, giving attitude and willingness to always help.