Jamie & Matt

A beautiful journey has led us to this moment – planning a wedding that will bring our families and friends together for a wonderful celebration of the joy and happiness we have found together.

The Bride

I may be American born and raised but I have tried to thoroughly embrace the British culture. I’ve lived here since 2012, and for a period in 2007 before that. I’ve embraced the love for a proper pint, enjoying endless conversations about the weather, and the deliciousness of a Sunday roast.

I grew up in Massachusetts, in the north-east of the United States. In the summers I lived on the amazing Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg – swimming, boating, and water skiing were hobbies throughout my life. It was there that I met Ashley, Stephanie and Julianna, and we grew up together. I attended Worcester Academy for High School, and started university at Drexel University in Philadelphia before graduating from Northeastern University in Boston. During my time at Northeastern University I spent 6 months living and working in London for my co-operative education (or industrial placement, for my British friends and family). I’ve made a career in both sides of the Atlantic based on my ability to work closely with both commercial and technical teams to delivery projects and technology.

And above all else – I’m a die hard Red Sox fan, like my father before me.

The Groom

Matt grew up in Exeter in the south-west of the United Kingdom. He spent his childhood as a Scout, eventually becoming a Scout leader, and earning the Duke of Edinburgh award.

He started his career as an admin for a digital marketing company and eventually worked his way into IT. After learning where his passions lay he then attended the University of Exeter where he received his Masters in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. After graduating Matt spent many years as a programmer at the Met Office. Matt is currently a PhD student studying Computer Vision at the University of Surrey.

Outside of work, Matt finds his free time taken up with baking, archery, and playing board games with friends. He also enjoys walking and travelling.

How We Both Met

Jamie & Matthew met via an online dating website and quickly bonded over their mutual love of board games and Star Wars. They went to dinner and drinks for their first date at an American style restaurant in Covent Garden, London. A second date came shortly after at a Thai restaurant in Southwark, London. Many more dates occurred after those two and a year later they chose to move in together and start a journey that has led them to planning this wonderful wedding.

We cannot wait to celebrate with you all – bring your dancing shoes, your sense of adventure, and join us to celebrate this wonderful romance that brings us all together!