Our wedding ceremony will be held at the bride’s family church, Saint Spyridon’s Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Worcester.

This beautiful church was built in 1954 but it was not named a cathedral until 1985. It’s located on the corner of Elm Street and Russel Street and directly across from the beautiful Elm Park. Parking is available next door to the church for the ceremony on Russel Street.

This wedding ceremony will be that of a traditional Greek Orthodox wedding. It’s a gorgeous ceremony full of symbolism of marriage and unity. During the ceremony, the couple will be attended to by their Koumbaro, Jamie’s cousin Stefan, as their sponsor to the church and marriage. For those who are curious about the ceremony, we can recommend this article by Lemons and Olives that covers off on the nature of the service.

The ceremony will be live streamed via the Cathedral’s website: https://www.spyridoncathedral.org/live-stream/watch

Parking at Saint Spyridon’s Cathedral: