
Please know that your presence at our wedding is present enough! However, for friends and family who have been asking for gift ideas, we’ve created an online registry with a few international stores:

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Ships to the USA, our address is on file, but checkout is internationally friendly and global shipping is avaiable for a cost.

Amazon Wedding Registry

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Ships to the USA only, our address is on file, but checkout is internationally friendly.

Please note, that you must be logged into Amazon to view the Registry in full – otherwise, most items show as out of stock.


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Ships to the UK, our address is on file, but offers international checkout.

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No shipping required, our bank account is on file, and checkout is internationally friendly.

Our Style at Home

Royal Doulton Old Colony

Our Everyday Pattern

Want to know a little about our style?

Our prominent colour at home is navy blue. We have a beautiful set of vintage Royal Doulton china set for our dishes – the very same pattern that Jamie’s mother has used since 1971. We both love to entertain; and we both count cooking and baking as some of our very favourite hobbies.